
A projekt eredményeiből származó tudományos publikációk (cikkek, absztraktok).

Hoyk E, Uzzoli A, Kovács A D (2015): Possibilities of cities in adaption to climate change on Kecskemét example. In: Silka P (szerk.): Warsaw Regional Forum 2015: Territorial uncertainty and vulnerability as a challenge for urban and regional policy: Programme and Book of Abstracts. Warsaw: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences; Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Republic of Poland; Polish Geographical Society, 2015. p. 77. (ISBN:978-83-61590-60-6) on-line

Király G, Czirfusz M, Koós B, Uzzoli A (2015): Klímaváltozás és klímaadaptáció helyi léptékben: Egy kutatási projekt tapasztalatai a hazai társadalmi-gazdasági folyamatok modellezésében. In: Gábriel D, Kund A, Tibori T, Paksi V (szerk.): A bizonytalanság szociológiája: Konferencia Hankiss Elemér emlékére. Budapest: Magyar Szociológiai Társaság, 2015. p. 51. (ISBN:978-963-88633-4-8)

Király G, Czirfusz M, Koós B, Tagai G, Uzzoli A (2015): Socio-economic forecasting for Hungary related to climate change. In: Silka P (szerk.): Warsaw Regional Forum 2015: Territorial uncertainty and vulnerability as a challenge for urban and regional policy: Programme and Book of Abstracts. Warsaw: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences; Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Republic of Poland; Polish Geographical Society, 2015. p. 17. (ISBN:978-83-61590-60-6) on-line

Kovács AD, Hoyk E (2015): Future possibilities of green walls in a medium sized Hungarian town: A case study of Kecskemét. In: Marot N (szerk.): Green infrastructure in Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe: Is there a universal solution to environmental and spatial challenges? Program and book of abstracts. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, 2015. p. 60. (ISBN:978-961-6379-30-4) on-line

Lennert J, Farkas J Zs, Hoyk E, Kovács A D (2015): Modelling land cover change in Hungary: forecasts for 2050. In: Silka P (szerk.): Warsaw Regional Forum 2015: Territorial uncertainty and vulnerability as a challenge for urban and regional policy: Programme and Book of Abstracts. Warsaw: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences ; Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Republic of Poland ; Polish Geographical Society, 2015. p. 31. (ISBN:978-83-61590-60-6) on-line

Uzzoli A (2015): Projected trends in climate-change-related health. In: Hungarian Geographical Society (szerk.): EUGEO Budapest 2015: congress programme and abstracts. Budapest: Hungarian Geographical Society, 2015. p. 138. (ISBN:978-615-80307-0-0) on-line

Varjú V (2015): Renewable energy support schemes – for environment and/or for investors? In: Raos P (szerk.): Zbornik radova proceedings : PLIN 2015: 13th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference : 6th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference. Osijek: J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, 2015. pp. 193-202. on-line

Lennert J (2015): Hagyományok és megújulás – Beszámoló a hetedik Warsaw Regional Forumról. A Falu, 30 (4): 77–80.